Vintage Costumes, 7011 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, Washington 98115, 206-522-5234, Open Monday through Friday 11 AM to 7 PM, Saturday and Sunday 11 AM to 6 PM
art deco woman blowing bubbles
more bubbles

School Projects

Vintage Costumers offers a discount of up to 40% for complete outfits to students for mid-week (Monday to Friday inclusive) rentals. Partial costumes and accessories are also available at reduced rates. Sorry, discounts may not apply to all costumes during October. Call us.

Chances are we are well acquainted with most historical figures likely to be selected for a school project. The annual battle of the philosophers comes to mind. If there is doubt we can consult a biographical dictionary and costume according to the period.

Costumes for children under ten are available, but limited. in all cases it is important to bring the body in (your child's, that is) to ensure a proper fit as our clothing is neither mass-manufactured or "one size fits most." The costumes pictured on this site reflect only a small percentage of our inventory.


All design and content © 2005, Vintage Costumers
Web Design by Ravenrook